miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012

Realzan en Angola importancia económica de refinería petrolera

Realzan en Angola importancia económica de refinería petroleraPDFImprimirE-mail
lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012
Luanda, 10 dic (PL) El vicepresidente de Angola, Manuel Domingos Vicente, destacó hoy que el proyecto de la refinería petrolera de Lobito, en la sureña provincia de Benguela, contribuirá al desarrollo económico de este país africano.Luego de colocar la primera piedra de esa importante obra económica y de que se realizara la presentación técnica de la edificación, Vicente señaló que "vamos hacer todo para llevar a buen puerto el emprendimiento".Al dar a conocer aspectos del plan, inversionistas apuntaron, por otra parte, que la futura refinería, localizada a 10 kilómetros de la ciudad de Lobito, tiene como finalidad principal terminar con la importación de combustibles por parte de Angola.También persigue darle valor agregado al petróleo producido en este país, segundo mayor productor de esa materia prima en África, tras Nigeria.

La nueva fábrica, cuyas instalaciones abarcarán un área de más de tres mil 800 hectáreas, permitirá el abastecimiento de derivados del petróleo a las 18 provincias y el suministro a países vecinos.

En mayo último, el ministro de Petróleos, Botelho de Vasconcelos, expresó que la refinería de Lobito en una primera fase refinará 120 mil barriles de petróleo por día, en tanto en una segunda etapa ese volumen ascenderá hasta los 200 mil barriles por día.

Angola, país rico en reservas de petróleo y gas natural, proyecta además construir una refinería similar en el municipio de Soyo, provincia de Zaire, con una capacidad estimada de procesamiento de 200 mil barriles por jornada.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Angolan LNG export advances

Angolan LNG export advances
     The monetization of Angolan gas reserves 
Angola, a West African coastal country already well known for its substantial oil exports, is now on the brink of entering the Global LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) export market. Its newly constructed liquefaction plant is expected to come on-stream later this year, giving the state a new opportunity to monetize its extensive, and previously stranded, gas reserves.

The new plant

Angola LNG, a Sonangol/Chevron-led joint venture, is soon to complete the construction of a $9 billion gas liquefaction plant, which represents the largest single investment ever made in Angola. The new plant has been built in the Congo River delta and will have the capacity to produce 5.2 million tonnes of liquids (mostly LNG – equivalent of 6.8 billion cubic metres (bcm) of natural gas per year – as well as LPGs and other liquids). It will also have 360,000 cubic metres (cm) of LNG storage, LPG and condensate storage, and a loading jetty capable of receiving vessels up to 210,000 cm capacity. The LNG project will be capable of producing 1 billion cubic feet of clean gas per day for the domestic and international markets.

Natural gas supplies

The plant will use gas from a series of offshore blocks to supply the liquefaction plant with over 10 trillion cubic feet (over 300 bcm) from gas reserves, equating to around 20 years’ worth of LNG exports at full capacity. (See map below) The main source of supply for the LNG plant will be Associated Gas (AG) - this is gas produced as a by-product of oil wells.

Map showing Angolan offshore blocks and LNG site at Soyo

The Angola LNG Project will use as feedstock deep-water AG from producing Block 15 (ExxonMobil), Block 17 (Total), Block 18 (BP), and Blocks 0 and 14 (Chevron). The project will also develop previously discovered non-associated gas (NAG) fields in Blocks 1 and 2 to supplement AG production. The gas produced in these blocks will be transported via three high pressure pipelines to the onshore LNG plant, where the gas will then undergo conditioning and extraction of Natural Gas Liquids before liquefaction to LNG. However, as oil fields mature and associated gas production deteriorates, further non-associated gas from previously discovered gas fields are expected to supply the plant. The majority of Angola’s deep and ultra-deep water areas are considered to be highly attractive and are yet to be fully explored.

Financial Benefits

The monetization of Angola’s natural gas reserves is a logical progression, given the clear benefits the project will reap for the state. The development of an LNG facility provides a commercially attractive export route for the large volumes of natural gas which Angola currently wastes through flaring (burning off gas from oilfields, when it cannot be used on site). Not only is this a waste of the earth’s resources it is also a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. So the double benefits of reducing this waste and pollution also lead to great commercial advantage in income from the LNG sold. The Government will hope that the export of LNG can supplement economic growth in the country, whilst also enabling continued offshore oil development.  

Potential Markets

Originally it was anticipated that the LNG project would market large volumes of its production to the US market, which it is geographically and commercially well positioned to target.  Sonangol and ENI both maintain a shareholding in the Pascagoula, Mississippi Gulf regasification terminal in the USA. But with the US market becoming self-sufficient in natural gas, and now paying considerably less for its imports, Angola LNG will have to realign its strategy and target other more commercially viable markets. As with any LNG project the high prices of the Asian markets will be of interest, and China is also demonstrating a keen interest in Angola, with several high value investments there. Already one of the largest importers of Angolan oil, it may well become an importer of LNG as well. Angola is also close to the developing South American LNG markets. 
Elsewhere, Angola LNG may wish to target more locally based countries in Europe - a market more accessible in terms of distance for LNG ships to travel, though perhaps not as attractive in terms of pricing.  Angola LNG’s recent opening of a London based office, focusing on marketing and sales, demonstrates its desire to target European based markets. In the meantime, one can assume that Angola LNG will look to optimize sales in the short term by redirecting as much LNG to the spot market as possible when the price is right.

jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

Maersk’s Chissonga FPSO (Block 16) to neighbour Girassol (Block 17)

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Maersk’s Chissonga FPSO to neighbour Girassol

Doris to work on Maersk Chissonga FEED

Maersk Oil (Maersk) , a fully owned subsidiary of A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S operates theBlock 16, which includes the Chissonga discovery.
Chissonga is located in the Lower Congo Basin some 138  kilometres offshore Angolain water depths 1,500 meters.
In 2011, Maersk Oil acquired the 15% interest in Block 16 in Angola from Devon Energy for an initial payment of $70 million.
As a results the actual interests in Chissonga are shared as following:
 - Maersk Oil 65%
 - Sonangol 20%
 - Odebrecht 15%
The acquisition of Devon Energy’s interest in the Block 16 came just on time with the evaluation work on theChissonga discovery to gather pace
After completing the appraisal of Chissonga-3 well and more to come, Maersk is now confident that the oil and gas reserves in Block 16 are large enough to justify to review upward the size of the original Chissonga FPSO design.
Based on LVCC size hull and 20,000 t deck, such as designed and built by South Korean contractors, the new Chissonga FPSO should be similar to Total Girassol FPSO operating in the neighboring block 17.
The Chissonga FPSO would have:
 - 150,000 b/d oil production capacity
 - 200,000 b/d water injection capacity
 - 235 million cf/d gas injection capacity
 - 40 subsea tie-back wells
 - oil offloading system in spread-moored configuration with catenary anchor leg mooring 
In the production sharing contract signed between Sonangol and Maersk, the associated gas will remainSonangol‘s property.
The Chissonga gas should be re-injected in a first phase then used as feedstock for Angola LNG plant inCabinda, Angola.
Maersk project team is based in Houston, Texas, USA and is working on the pre-FEED with the support of French Doris Engineering’s Houston office.
US Doris Inc. should also perform the Project Management Consultancy in 2013.
At least three companies are expected to submit commercial bid:
 - BW Offshore
 - Modec
 - SBM Offshore

Maersk Oil in brief

In June 2005, Maersk Oil acquired 50% interest and operatorship in the Production Sharing Agreement forBlock 16, about 100 kilometers offshore Angola.
In November 2006, Maersk Oil acquired a 50% interest and operatorship in the Production Sharing Agreements for offshore Blocks 8 and 23.
Partners are Svenska Petroleum (30%) and Sonangol (20%).
Water depth in Block 8 is up to 500 meters and in Block 23, up to 1,500 meters.
Maersk Oil is an international oil and gas company with operated production from fields in the Danish and UK North Seaoffshore Qatar, in Algeria and in Kazakhstan.
Maersk oil production declined by 24%  from 335,000 b/d BOE to 254,000 b/d BOE on first quarter 2012 due to the fast depletion of aging fields.
Therefore Mearsk is keen to restore capacity with Chissonga oil field.

Doris in brief

Doris Inc. in Houston has been active in project management services for many years, having engineered and led all facilities engineering activities for Murphy’s Azurite field development in deepwater offshore Congo, which employed the world’s first FPSO.
The company is presently building a similar relationship with Maersk, supporting the Chissonga field development off Angola.
Doris team is working in Maersk’s Houston office, providing PMT support, while another Doris team is working in parallel from the company’s own Houston base performing engineering activities.
DORIS Engineering have been, and remain, pioneer in the field of oil and gas offshore development since the creation of the company in 1965.
Today Doris has more than 900 people worldwide, including Paris head office and UK, USA, Brazil,Indonesia and Angola subsidiaries
Doris long term achievements were recognized by the industry when DORIS Engineering won the 2006 OTC Award.
With Doris‘s support for the PMC, Maersk’s Chissonga FPSO is expected to be completed and run into operation offshore Angola  in 2016

martes, 12 de junio de 2012

La empresa española Makiber construye 2 hospitales en Luanda

15/05/12 Angop | 

La empresa española Makiber construye 2 hospitales en Luanda

Los hospitales de los municipios de Cacuaco y Cazenga en la capital de Angola, Luanda, fueron inaugurados por José Eduardo dos Santos, Presidente de la República Angola el jueves 10 de mayo. Ambos hospitales mejoran la atención sanitaria en la periferia de Luanda. A los actos de inauguración asistieron, a su vez, José Vieira Dias Van-Dúnem, Ministro de Sanidad, Fernando Alberto de Lemos Soares da Fonseca, Ministro de Urbanismo y Construcción, Sebastião José António Martins, Ministro de Interior y Bento Joaquim Sebastião Francisco Bento, Gobernador de la provincia de Luanda. La empresa española Makiber, S.A. goza de una larga trayectoria en el mercado angoleño habiendo ya construido 6 hospitales encuadrados en el Plan de Reconstrucción Nacional del Ejecutivo angoleño
El hospital municipal de Cacuaco tiene capacidad para 70 camas. A su vez, Makiber, S.A. ha formado a 100 técnicos angoleños en las áreas de farmacia, rayos X, oftalmología y estomatología. Por otra parte, el hospital municipal de Cazenga tiene capacidad para 75 camas y posee servicio de pediatría, oftalmología, estomatología, endoscopia digestiva y maternidad, 2 salas de operaciones, laboratorios, farmacia, cocina y lavandería.
Vista frontal do Hospital Municipal de Cazenga

Um dos ângulos do novo Hospital Municipal de Vana - Kapalanga

angola press

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Luanda Pictures

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By ckentmay

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Refinería de Lobito producirá 120 mil barriles por día en la 1ª etapa

08 de mayo, 2012 - 19:28hs - Actualizado 08 de mayo, 2012 - 19:28hs

Refinería de Lobito producirá 120 mil barriles por día en la 1ª etapa


Luanda - El proyecto de construcción de la Refinería de Lobito, en curso desde 2008, prevé para la primera fase de producción, con fecha aún por determinar, la refinación de 120 mil barriles de petróleo por día, ha informado hoy (martes) el ministro de Petróleo, José Maria Botelho de Vasconcelos.
En declaraciones a la prensa, al margen de la apertura de la Conferencia Internacional sobre Petróleo y Gas, el gobernante afirmó que en la segunda fase de la producción el emprendimiento de Lobito aumentará su capacidad de refinación para 200 mil barriles diarios de petróleo. 
Refirió que la implementación del proyecto persigue poner coto a la importación de productos derivados del petróleo y promover su exportación.
Aseguró que con la implantación de Refinería en Lobito habrá una reducción en los precios de los carburantes en cerca de 16 por ciento, así como se verificará un aumento de valor a las ramas ácidas y pesadas producidas en el país.
En esta senda, el ministro dijo que está en proyección la construcción de la primera refinería del municipio de Soyo, provincia de Zaire, cuya capacidad de la producción está estimada en 200 mil barriles/día.
Sobre el futuro de la producción de petróleo y gas, dijo que las reservas probadas, en petróleo, están evaluadas en 9,5 billones de barriles, y que podrá durar más 50 años con el inicio de la exploración de la capa de pre-sal.
En relación a las reservas de gas natural, prosiguió, están evaluadas en 11 trillones de pes cúbicos, lo que equivale a una producción de más de 30 años.
Participan en la conferencia, durante de dos días, técnicos del Ministerio de Petróleo, de la Sonangol (Sociedad Nacional de Carburantes de Angola), del Banco Mundial y peritos internacionales en materia de petróleo y gas.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

luanda Pictures

inside one of the Governo Provincial  old building


Viana ganha novo hospital

Viana ganha novo hospital no valor de USD 14 M

O município de Viana, em Luanda, inaugurou o novo hospital municipal, que custou 13 milhões e 700 mil dólares e presta serviços de pediatria, oftalmologia, estomatologia, endoscopia digestiva e maternidade. A unidade hospitalar terá capacidade para 70 camas de internamento.
Dois blocos operatórios, cinco laboratórios, farmácia, serviços de esterilização, equipamento para produção de oxigénio e uma morgue fazem igualmente parte da infraestrutura, que contempla ainda refeitório, cozinha, lavandaria, incineradora e quatro casas para médicos.

jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012